What is MERIThon?

Since its inception in 2018, hundreds of runners from across the GTHA have passed the baton to cover 68 km for an ice cold Merit Beer.

On Sunday, September 22, 2024 runners will race individually or relay from RunTOBeer co-founder Dan Grant's Bossanova Wine & Beer in Toronto to other co-founder Tej Sandhu's MERIT Brewing in Hamilton.

This is an annual charitable event in support of Good Foot Delivery.

How it Works

Choose your own adventure! This is a relay format race, but with flexibility. Teams can divide up the 68KM route as they choose. It's totally up to you!

For example:

  • 🏃🏻 A 6-pack team could do 6 legs x 11 km or 12 legs x 5.7 km
  • 🏃🏻 A team of 2 could do 2 legs x 34 km or alternate 4 legs X 17 km stretches

This is a self-navigated race, so we encourage you to map out your chosen legs beforehand.

Runners / Teams are responsible for their own transportation. Whether that means you ride alongside your runners on a bike, drive or take public transit and meet at your own predetermined hand-off points - it's up to you!

There are regular GO Trains and Buses running between Toronto and Hamilton.


  • Start: 9:00 AM at Bossanova Wine & Beer, 103 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto
  • Finish: Merit Brewery, 107 James Street North, Hamilton

Aid Stations

There will be 6 aid stations along the course approximately every 10 km. Aid stations will include water, refreshments and snacks. Please see the event page for more information on the timing and location of aid stations.

Teams & Categories

This is a choose-your-own format relay. You can have as many or as few people on your team as you want, but there are 12 team categories for the purpose of awards:

  • 🏃🏻 6-pack: men's, women's, mixed
  • 🏃🏻 4-pack: men's, women's, mixed
  • 🏃🏻 2-pack: men's, women's, mixed
  • 🏃🏻 Solo: men, women, nonbinary

A mixed team is considered to be at least 50% female or nonbinary.

Teams with an odd number of people will be rounded up to compete in the next category. Teams of more than 6 will be part of the 6-pack category.

Entry Fee

$40 per runner, regardless of team size. Proceeds from the event will go to our charity partner, Good Foot Delivery.


All competitors will receive a free 8 oz. pour courtesy of Merit Brewing and a finisher's "medal" (stay tuned).

MERIThon is possible thanks to our awesome sponsors. Prizes will be awarded to winners in each category. You'll also get bragging rights (including your legacy imprinted on our website).

If you're interested in sponsoring this year's event by donating prizes, please contact us.


Altra Running BlackToe Running Bossanova Wine & Beer Canada Running Series Ciele Athletics Merit Brewing

Our Charity Partner

Good Foot Delivery

Good Foot Delivery provides meaningful employment for the neuro-diverse community through a reliable, professional courier service delivered via public transit and on foot. Since 2018, RunTOBeer has raised more than $30,000 for Good Foot.